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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Bildgebende Verfahren in der Primaer- und Rezidivdiagnostik [Imaging procedures for primary and recurrent diagnostics]

Item Type:Article
Title:Bildgebende Verfahren in der Primaer- und Rezidivdiagnostik [Imaging procedures for primary and recurrent diagnostics]
Creators Name:Schlag, P.M., Dresel, S. and Gebauer, B.
Abstract:Stage-adapted surgical tumor therapy without modern anatomical and functional imaging is unthinkable. Sectional imaging techniques, such as CT and MRI play an important role in preoperative staging and their targeted application can be supplemented by conventional ultrasound and endosonography. For surgical-oncological therapy planning it is important to have information on the exact localization and growth form of colorectal tumors, in particular with respect to the infiltrative growth of a tumor, infiltration of adjacent structures and exclusion or detection of lymph node or organ metastases. From a surgical viewpoint the main concern is the resectability of recurrent tumors and their early diagnosis, because this offers a real chance of being cured. Multimodal surgical treatment plays an increasingly important role especially in primary therapy of rectal tumors and treatment of colorectal liver metastases. In general it is assured that the response to preoperative (radio-)chemotherapy is a surrogate marker for a more favorable prognosis.
Keywords:Chirurgische Tumortherapie, Schnittbildverfahren, Praeoperatives Staging, Rezidivtumoren, Surrogatmarker
Page Range:487-495
Date:May 2009
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1007/s00761-009-1610-7

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