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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


I-BasI and I-HmuI: two phage intron-encoded endonucleases with homologous DNA recognition sequences but distinct DNA specificities

Item Type:Article
Title:I-BasI and I-HmuI: two phage intron-encoded endonucleases with homologous DNA recognition sequences but distinct DNA specificities
Creators Name:Landthaler, M., Shen, B.W., Stoddard, B.L. and Shub, D.A.
Abstract:I-HmuI and I-BasI are two highly similar nicking DNA endonucleases, which are each encoded by a group I intron inserted into homologous sites within the DNA polymerase genes of Bacillus phages SPO1 and Bastille, respectively. Here, we present a comparison of the DNA specificities and cleavage activities of these enconucleases with homologous target sites. I-BasI has properties that are typical of homing endonucleases, nicking the intron-minus polymerase genes in either host genome, three nucleotides downstream of the intron insertion site. In contrast, I-HmuI nicks both the intron-plus and intron-minus site in its own host genome, but does not act on the target from Bastille phage. Although the enzymes have distinct DNA substrate specificities, both bind to an identical 25bp region of their respective intron-minus DNA polymerase genes surrounding the intron insertion site. The endonucleases appear to interact with the DNA substrates in the downstream exon 2 in a similar manner. However, whereas I-HmuI is known to make its only base-specific contacts within this exon region, structural modeling analyses predict that I-BasI might make specific base contacts both upstream and downstream of the site of intron insertion. The predicted requirement for base-specific contacts in exon 1 for cleavage by I-BasI was confirmed experimentally. This explains the difference in substrate specificities between the two enzymes, including the observation that the former enzyme is relatively insensitive to the presence of an intron upstream of exon 2. These differences are likely a consequence of divergent evolutionary constraints.
Keywords:Bacteriophage Introns, H-N-H Endonuclease, Intron Homing, Structure Modeling
Source:Journal of Molecular Biology
Page Range:1137-1151
Date:12 May 2006
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmb.2006.02.054
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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