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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Increased angiotensin II in the mesometrial triangle of a transgenic rat model of preeclampsia

Item Type:Article
Title:Increased angiotensin II in the mesometrial triangle of a transgenic rat model of preeclampsia
Creators Name:Brosnihan, K.B., Hering, L., Dechend, R., Chappell, M.C. and Herse, F.
Abstract:The pregnant female human angiotensinogen (hAGN) transgenic rat mated with the male hrenin (hREN) transgenic rat is a model of preeclampsia with increased blood pressure, proteinuria, and placenta alterations of edema and necrosis. The reverse mating of female hRENxmale hAGN does not show preeclamptic features. Because the placenta is well-recognized to be a key contributor to the preeclamptic syndrome, our hypothesis is that local angiotensin peptide concentrations found in the placenta and its associated mesometrial triangle of the preeclamptic transgenic rat differ from the reverse mating. We characterized the angiotensin peptide content and the mRNA expression of hREN and hAGN of the mesometrial triangle and the placenta. Three groups of pregnant rats from the matings (Sprague-DawleyxSprague-Dawley, reverse mating, and female hAGNxmale hREN) were studied on day 21 of gestation. In the hAGNxhREN transgenic rat, angiotensin II is significantly increased in the placenta and mesometrial triangle vs Sprague-Dawley (24.2+/-3.9 vs 8.6+/-1.5 pg/mg protein; 27.8+/-5.5 vs 5.6+/-1.3 pg/mg protein; P<0.05), whereas in the reverse mating angiotensin II is increased in the placenta (19.1+/-1.7 vs 5.6+/-1.3 pg/mg protein; P<0.05) but unchanged in the mesometrial triangle (4.2+/-0.2 vs 8.6+/-1.5 pg/mg protein). The marked contrast in the expression of angiotensin II in the mesometrial triangle of the preeclamptic model vs the reverse mating suggests that local angiotensin II generated from the maternal parts of the uteroplacental unit may play a critical role in preeclampsia.
Keywords:Angiotensinogen, Fetal, Maternal, Placenta, Preeclampsia, Renin-Angiotensin System, Animals, Rats
Publisher:American Heart Association
Page Range:562-566
Date:February 2010
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.109.145656
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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