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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


The RNA-binding protein, Vg1RBP, is required for pancreatic fate specification

Item Type:Article
Title:The RNA-binding protein, Vg1RBP, is required for pancreatic fate specification
Creators Name:Spagnoli, F.M. and Brivanlou, A.H.
Abstract:Signaling mechanisms underlying the induction of the pre-pancreatic tissue within the endoderm remain poorly understood. Through an expression cloning strategy, we have identified a previously uncharacterized pancreatic factor that we named Shirin. Interestingly, the non-coding RNA regulatory sequence (3 UTR) of Shirin is sufficient to induce insulin expression in Xenopus embryos. Biochemical studies demonstrate that this RNA sequence is able to bind directly to a trans-acting factor, Vg1RBP, which was previously shown to be involved in the localization of endodermal determinant factors. Loss-of-function analysis indicates that Vg1RBP is required for establishment of pancreatic fate within the endoderm, suggesting a synergism between Vg1RBP and Shirin in the embryo. This study argues for a central role of post-transcriptional mechanisms in establishing pancreatic fate, where a 3 UTR may recruit factors necessary for pancreatic development, and highlights an unknown embryological activity of Vg1RBP.
Keywords:3′UTR, Insulin, Pancreas, Shirin, Vg1RBP, Animals, Xenopus
Source:Developmental Biology
Publisher:Academic Press
Page Range:442-456
Date:15 April 2006
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ydbio.2006.01.022
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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