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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Post-field ionization of singly charged rhodium: An experimental and theoretical study

Item Type:Article
Title:Post-field ionization of singly charged rhodium: An experimental and theoretical study
Creators Name:Ernst, N. and Jentsch, T.J.
Abstract:Differential energy distributions are shown of field-evaporated Rh+ and Rh2+ ions. These spectra have been obtained using a magnetic-sector-field mass spectrometer. Experimental evidence of the occurrence of post-field ionization is presented. This post-field ionization is a process where an initially desorbed Rh+ ion loses a further electron by ordinary field ionization while traveling away from the rhodium field-emitter surface. The experimental results are compared with calculations using a three-dimensional version of the WKB approximation of the tunneling probability of the valence electron for the desorbing Rh+ ion. A reasonable agreement between experimental and theoretical data is obtained by including image-force interactions for the tunneling barrier.
Source:Physical Review B
Publisher:American Physical Society
Page Range:6234-6241
Date:July 1981
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.24.6234

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