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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Anxiety-related behaviour of low brain angiotensinogen transgenic rats in the canopy test

Item Type:Article
Title:Anxiety-related behaviour of low brain angiotensinogen transgenic rats in the canopy test
Creators Name:Voigt, J.P., Bader, M., Bert, B., Fink, H. and Rex, A.
Abstract:This study investigated risk assessment and anxiolytic/anxiogenic drug effects in "low brain angiotensinogen" transgenic rats (TGR) in comparison to wild-type Sprague-Dawley rats (SD) in the canopy test of anxiety-related behavior. TGR showed a higher frequency of the risk-assessment behaviour as indicated by performance of stretched attend posture (SAP) compared to SD. Diazepam (0.25mg/kg) reduced SAP in both strains, whereas FG-7142 had no significant effect. The 5-HT(1B/2C) agonist mCPP (0.5 - 2mg/kg) reduced SAP in both strains. Diazepam (0.25 - 1mg/kg) increased head dips and decreased the time spent under the canopy in SD rats. There were significant anxiogenic effects of both FG-7142 (3 - 6mg/kg) and mCPP (0.5 - 2mg/kg) on these parameters for SD but not TGR. Diazepam (1mg/kg) increased the number of entries into the open zone in both strains. mCPP reduced this parameter in SD (2mg/kg) and TGR (0.5 - 2mg/kg). FG-7142 had a similar effect in SD (3 - 6mg/kg) and TGR (6mg/kg). This study shows a significant transgenic effect on SAP. The increased number of SAP seen in TGR could be reduced with diazepam. Although both FG-7142 and mCPP are generally anxiogenic, no significant effects of FG-7142 on SAP were observed and mCPP even reduced SAP.
Keywords:Anxiety, Transgenic Rat, Angiotensin, Canopy Test, mCPP, Diazepam, beta-Carboline, Stretched Attend Posture, Animals, Rats
Source:Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior
Page Range:429-437
Date:October 2010
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pbb.2010.07.001
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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