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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


The microRNA miR-182 is induced by IL-2 and promotes clonal expansion of activated helper T lymphocytes

Item Type:Article
Title:The microRNA miR-182 is induced by IL-2 and promotes clonal expansion of activated helper T lymphocytes
Creators Name:Stittrich, A.B., Haftmann, C., Sgouroudis, E., Kuehl, A.A., Hegazy, A.N., Panse, I., Riedel, R., Flossdorf, M., Dong, J., Fuhrmann, F., Heinz, G.A., Fang, Z., Li, N., Bissels, U., Hatam, F., Jahn, A., Hammoud, B., Matz, M., Schulze, F.M., Baumgrass, R., Bosio, A., Mollenkopf, H.J., Gruen, J., Thiel, A., Chen, W., Hoefer, T., Loddenkemper, C., Loehning, M., Chang, H.D., Rajewsky, N., Radbruch, A. and Mashreghi, M.F.
Abstract:After being activated by antigen, helper T lymphocytes switch from a resting state to clonal expansion. This switch requires inactivation of the transcription factor Foxo1, a suppressor of proliferation expressed in resting helper T lymphocytes. In the early antigen-dependent phase of expansion, Foxo1 is inactivated by antigen receptor-mediated post-translational modifications. Here we show that in the late phase of expansion, Foxo1 was no longer post-translationally regulated but was inhibited post-transcriptionally by the interleukin 2 (IL-2)-induced microRNA miR-182. Specific inhibition of miR-182 in helper T lymphocytes limited their population expansion in vitro and in vivo. Our results demonstrate a central role for miR-182 in the physiological regulation of IL-2-driven helper T cell-mediated immune responses and open new therapeutic possibilities.
Keywords:Arthritis, Cell Proliferation, Cultured Cells, Interleukin-2, MicroRNAs, T-Lymphocytes, Animals, Mice
Source:Nature Immunology
Publisher:Nature Publishing Group
Page Range:1057-1062
Date:November 2010
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1038/ni.1945
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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