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MHC-restricted fratricide of human lymphocytes expressing survivin-specific transgenic T cell receptors

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Item Type:Article
Title:MHC-restricted fratricide of human lymphocytes expressing survivin-specific transgenic T cell receptors
Creators Name:Leisegang, M., Wilde, S., Spranger, S., Milosevic, S., Frankenberger, B., Uckert, W. and Schendel, D.J.
Abstract:The apoptosis inhibitor protein survivin is overexpressed in many tumors, making it a candidate target molecule for various forms of immunotherapy. To explore survivin as a target antigen for adoptive T cell therapy using lymphocytes expressing survivin-specific transgenic T cell receptors (Tg-TCRs), we isolated HLA-A2-allorestricted survivin-specific T cells with high functional avidity. Lymphocytes expressing Tg-TCRs were derived from these T cells and specifically recognized HLA-A2+ survivin+ tumor cells. Surprisingly, HLA-A2+ but not HLA-A2- lymphocytes expressing Tg-TCRs underwent extensive apoptosis over time. This demise was caused by HLA-A2-restricted fratricide that occurred due to survivin expression in lymphocytes, which created ligands for Tg-TCR recognition. Therefore, survivin-specific TCR gene therapy would be limited to application in HLA-A2-mismatched stem cell transplantation. We also noted that lymphocytes that expressed survivin-specific Tg-TCRs killed T cell clones of various specificities derived from HLA-A2+ but not HLA-A2- donors. These results raise a general question regarding the development of cancer vaccines that target proteins that are also expressed in activated lymphocytes, since induction of high-avidity T cells that expand in lymph nodes following vaccination or later accumulate at tumor sites might limit themselves by self-MHC-restricted fratricide while at the same time inadvertently eliminating neighboring T cells of other specificities.
Keywords:Cell Death, Cell Line, HLA-A2 Antigen, Lymphocytes, Major Histocompatibility Complex, Microtubule-Associated Proteins, T-Cell Antigen Receptors, T-Lymphocytes, Transgenes, Animals
Source:Journal of Clinical Investigation
Publisher:American Society for Clinical Investigation
Page Range:3869-3877
Date:1 November 2010
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI43437
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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