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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Identification of membrane-bound variant of metalloendopeptidase neurolysin (EC as the non-AT1, non-AT2 angiotensin binding site

Item Type:Article
Title:Identification of membrane-bound variant of metalloendopeptidase neurolysin (EC as the non-AT1, non-AT2 angiotensin binding site
Creators Name:Wangler, N.J., Santos, K.L., Schadock, I., Hagen, F.K., Escher, E., Bader, M., Speth, R.C. and Karamyan, V.T.
Abstract:Recently, we discovered a novel non-AT1, non-AT2 angiotensin binding site in rodent and human brain membranes, which is distinctly different from angiotensin receptors and key proteases processing angiotensins. It is hypothesized to be a new member of the renin-angiotensin system. This study was designed to isolate and identify this novel angiotensin binding site. An angiotensin analog, photoaffinity probe 125I-SBpa-Ang II was used to specifically label the non-AT1, non-AT2 angiotensin binding site in mouse forebrain membranes, followed by a two-step purification procedure based on the molecular size and isoelectric point of the photoradiolabeled binding protein. Purified samples were subjected to 2-D gel electrophoresis followed by mass spectrometry identification of proteins in the 2-D gel sections containing radioactivity. LC-MS/MS analysis revealed eight protein candidates, of which the four most abundant were immunoprecipitated (IP) after photoradiolabeling. IP studies indicated that the angiotensin binding site might be the membrane-bound variant of metalloendopeptidase neurolysin (EC To verify these observations, radioligand binding and photoradiolabeling experiments were conducted in membrane preparations of HEK293 cells overexpressing mouse neurolysin or thimet oligopeptidase (EC, a closely related metalloendopeptidase of the same family. These experiments also identified neurolysin as the non-AT1, non-AT2 angiotensin binding site. Finally, brain membranes of mice lacking neurolysin were nearly devoid of the non-AT1, non-AT2 angiotensin binding site, further establishing membrane-bound neurolysin as the binding site. Future studies will focus on the functional significance of this highly specific, high affinity interaction between neurolysin and angiotensins.
Keywords:Angiotensin, Cardiovascular, Hormone Receptors, Ligand Binding Protein, Pharmacology, Photoaffinity Labeling, Radioreceptor Assays, Renin Angiotensin System, Neurolysin, Oligopeptidase, Animals, Mice
Source:Journal of Biological Chemistry
Publisher:American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Page Range:114-122
Date:2 January 2012
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1074/jbc.M111.273052
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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