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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Induction of TRAIL-mediated glioma cell death by human T cells

Item Type:Article
Title:Induction of TRAIL-mediated glioma cell death by human T cells
Creators Name:Doerr, J., Waiczies, S., Wendling, U., Seeger, B. and Zipp, F.
Abstract:Among the death ligands of the tumor necrosis factor/nerve growth factor (TNF/NGF) superfamily, TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) is considered to play a unique role due to its binding to both apoptosis-inducing and -blocking membranous receptors, apoptosis-independent effects and distinct species differences. Here, we demonstrate that human antigen-specific T helper cells upon activation are capable of directly lysing glioma cell lines via TRAIL receptor/TRAIL interactions. Out of 17 T cell lines, nine showed predominantly TRAIL-mediated killing of glioma cell lines compared to CD95 ligand- or TNF-induced cell death. The cytotoxic potential of the T cell lines was independent of T helper differentiation, antigen specificity and donor source. Thus, TRAIL-mediated signaling is involved in T cell cytotoxicity towards glioma cell lines, which might play an important role in tumor regression.
Keywords:TRAIL, T Cell, Apoptosis, Cytotoxicity, Glioma
Source:Journal of Neuroimmunology
Page Range:117-124
Date:January 2002
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1016/S0165-5728(01)00450-7
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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