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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Salmonella SL7207 application is the most effective DNA vaccine delivery method for successful tumor eradication in a murine model for neuroblastoma

Item Type:Article
Title:Salmonella SL7207 application is the most effective DNA vaccine delivery method for successful tumor eradication in a murine model for neuroblastoma
Creators Name:Berger, E., Soldati, R., Huebener, N., Hohn, O., Stermann, A., Durmus, T., Lobitz, S., Zenclussen, A.C., Christiansen, H., Lode, H.N. and Fest, S.
Abstract:Attenuated Salmonella is an approved oral life vaccine that is currently entering pre-clinical cancer vaccination studies as a promising DNA carrier. In a syngeneic mouse model for neuroblastoma, oral gavage of Salmonella typhimurium (SL7207) carrying recent generated survivin DNA vaccines induced a stronger cellular anti-NB immune response than gene gun application or injection of lentivirally transduced bone marrow-derived DCs. The level of Salmonella-associated side effects was not significant as indicated by unaffected survivin-mediated hematopoiesis and wound healing. We believe that our findings provide an important baseline to translate Salmonella-based DNA vaccination into a clinical application for neuroblastoma.
Keywords:Neuroblastoma, SL7207, Dendritic Cells, Gene Gun, Lentiviral Particle, Animals, Mice
Source:Cancer Letters
Page Range:167-173
Date:1 May 2013
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.canlet.2012.12.026
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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