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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Early effects of an x-ray contrast medium on renal T(2) */T(2) MRI as compared to short-term hyperoxia, hypoxia and aortic occlusion in rats

Item Type:Article
Title:Early effects of an x-ray contrast medium on renal T(2) */T(2) MRI as compared to short-term hyperoxia, hypoxia and aortic occlusion in rats
Creators Name:Arakelyan, K., Cantow, K., Hentschel, J., Flemming, B., Pohlmann, A., Ladwig, M., Niendorf, T. and Seeliger, E.
Abstract:AIM: X-ray contrast media (CM) can cause acute kidney injury (AKI). Medullary hypoxia is pivotal in CM-induced AKI, as indicated by invasively and pin-point measured tissue oxygenation. MRI provides spatially resolved blood oxygenation level dependent data using T2 * and T2 mapping. We studied CM effects on renal T2 */T2 and benchmarked them against short periods of hyperoxia, hypoxia, and aortic occlusion (AO). METHODS: Rats were equipped with carotid artery catheters (tip toward aorta) and supra-renal aortic occluders. T2 */T2 mapping was performed using a 9.4 T animal scanner. CM (1.5 ml Iodixanol) was injected into the thoracic aorta with the animal in the scanner followed by 2 hrs of T2 */T2 mapping. For T2 */T2 assessment regions of interest in the cortex (C), outer medulla (OM), inner medulla (IM), and papilla (P) were determined according to morphological features. RESULTS: Hyperoxia increased T2 * in C (by 17%) and all medullary layers (25-35%). Hypoxia decreased T2 * in C (40%) and all medullary layers (55-60%). AO decreased T2 * in C (18%) and all medullary layers (30-40%). Upon injection of CM, T2 * increased transiently, then decreased, reaching values 10-20% below baseline in C and OM, and 30-40% below baseline in IM and P. CONCLUSIONS: T2 * mapping corroborates data previously obtained with invasive methods and demonstrates that CM injection affects renal medullary oxygenation. CM-induced T2 * decrease in OM was small versus hypoxia and aortic occlusion. T2 * decrease obtained for hypoxia was more pronounced than for AO. This indicates that T2 * may not accurately reflect blood oxygenation under certain conditions.
Keywords:Blood Oxygen Level Dependent MRI, Contrast-Induced Nephropathy, High Field, Renal Oxygenation, T2 Relaxation, T2* Relaxation, Animals, Rats
Source:Acta Physiologica
Page Range:202-213
Date:June 2013
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1111/apha.12094
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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