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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Nuclear architecture in stem cells

Item Type:Article
Title:Nuclear architecture in stem cells
Creators Name:Morris, K.J., Chotalia, M. and Pombo, A.
Abstract:Fundamental features of genome regulation depend on the linear DNA sequence, cell type specific modification of DNA and chromatin-associated proteins, which locally control the expression of single genes. Architectural features of genome organization within the three-dimensional (3D) nuclear space establish preferential positioning of genes relative to nuclear subcompartments associated with specific biochemical activities, thereby influencing states of expression. The structural and temporal organization of the genome within the nucleus of stem cells, together with specific features of epigenetic and transcriptional regulation are emerging as key players that influence pluripotency and differentiation.
Keywords:RNA Polymerase II, Chromatin Structure, X Inactivation, Chromosome Territories, Neural Induction, Bivalent Genes, Cancer Cells, Differentiation, Transcription, Pluripotent
Source:Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology
Page Range:14-25
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-7037-4_2
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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