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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


24-h-Langzeitblutdruckmessung (ABDM): Statement der Deutschen Hochdruckliga e. V. DHL (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hypertonie und Praevention), Sektion Hochdruckdiagnostik [Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM): Statement of the German Hypertension League DHL (German Society of Hypertension and Prevention), working group for hypertension diagnostics]

Item Type:Review
Title:24-h-Langzeitblutdruckmessung (ABDM): Statement der Deutschen Hochdruckliga e. V. DHL (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hypertonie und Praevention), Sektion Hochdruckdiagnostik [Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM): Statement of the German Hypertension League DHL (German Society of Hypertension and Prevention), working group for hypertension diagnostics]
Creators Name:Lüders, S., Dechend, R., Eckert, S., Mengden, T., Nürnberger, J., Tholl, U. and Sanner, B.
Abstract:Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) is an essential component of the clinical evaluation of patients with hypertension. Without any doubt ABPM plays an important role in avoiding misclassification of blood pressure (white coat hypertension or masked hypertension). This is also true for children and adolescents where up to 20% of hypertensives would not be detected without ABPM. Furthermore, ABPM is the only commonly used non-invasive method to determine nocturnal blood pressure. Prerequisites are the use of a validated system, e.g. International Protocol 2 of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) or seal of approval by the German Hypertension League (DHL), the correct indications, a precise devided carried programming and the correct classification of blood pressure according to the DHL criteria. The blood pressure is into six classes ranging from “optimal” to “hypertension severity grade 3”. It seems advisable to use these analogue values for the individual cardiovascular risk stratification as end-organ damage associated with hypertension is more closely related to ABPM and this procedure thus gives a better prediction of clinical outcome than clinical blood pressure measurements. The technique and clinical use of ABPM should follow certain standards to obtain valid results. Interpretation of ABPM profiles and norm values are discussed in this paper. Additionally some new parameters which have been published during recent years are described and discussed.
Keywords:Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM), White Coat Hypertension, Masked Hypertension, Dipping, Nocturnal Blood Pressure
Page Range:194-208
Date:June 2013
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1007/s12181-013-0497-0

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