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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


T2-mapping - clinical experience

Item Type:Review
Title:T2-mapping - clinical experience
Creators Name:Wassmuth, R. and Schulz-Menger, J.
Abstract:In clinical routine T2-weighted CMR is widely used for detection of myocardial edema. T2 mapping is a promising new technique that allows quantification of myocardial tissue changes. It is particular interesting for the assessment of myocardial edema shortly after acute myocardial injury and may overcome some of the challenges with conventional T2-weighted imaging. We review technical aspects of T2 mapping and initial experience in volunteers and patients. Ischemic and nonischemic edema is discussed and the potential of T2 mapping is compared to conventional T2-weighted imaging as well as T1 mapping. T2 mapping appears as a very stable technique for edema detection with little variability. However, absolute difference in T2 between edema and remote myocardium is less pronounced than contrast in a T2-weighted image. Currently it appears premature to replace T2-weighted imaging completely by mapping methods in clinical routine.
Keywords:Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Edema, T2 Mapping, Myocardial, Myocarditis, Acute Myocardial Infarction, T2-weighted imaging
Source:Current Cardiovascular Imaging Reports
Page Range:9251
Date:7 January 2014
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1007/s12410-013-9251-z

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