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Excess NF-κB induces ectopic odontogenesis in embryonic incisor epithelium

Item Type:Article
Title:Excess NF-κB induces ectopic odontogenesis in embryonic incisor epithelium
Creators Name:Blackburn, J., Kawasaki, K., Porntaveetus, T., Kawasaki, M., Otsuka-Tanaka, Y., Miake, Y., Ota, M.S., Watanabe, M., Hishinuma, M., Nomoto, T., Oommen, S., Ghafoor, S., Harada, F., Nozawa-Inoue, K., Maeda, T., Peterkova, R., Lesot, H., Inoue, J., Akiyama, T., Schmidt-Ullrich, R., Liu, B., Hu, Y., Page, A., Ramirez, A., Sharpe, P.T. and Ohazama, A.
Abstract:Nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) signaling plays critical roles in many physiological and pathological processes, including regulating organogenesis. Down-regulation of NF-κB signaling during development results in hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia. The roles of NF-κB signaling in tooth development, however, are not fully understood. We examined mice overexpressing IKK{beta}, an essential component of the NF-κB pathway, under keratin 5 promoter (K5-Ikkβ). K5-Ikkβ mice showed supernumerary incisors whose formation was accompanied by up-regulation of canonical Wnt signaling. Apoptosis that is normally observed in wild-type incisor epithelium was reduced in K5-Ikkβ mice. The supernumerary incisors in K5-Ikkβ mice were found to phenocopy extra incisors in mice with mutations of Wnt inhibitor, Wise. Excess NF-κB activity thus induces an ectopic odontogenesis program that is usually suppressed under physiological conditions.
Keywords:Ikkβ, Tooth Development, Wnt Signaling, Enamel, Cervical Loop, Wise, Animals, Mice
Source:Journal of Dental Research
Publisher:Sage Publications
Page Range:121-128
Date:January 2015
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1177/0022034514556707
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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