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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Behandlung der arteriellen Hypertonie - Aspekte der neuen europäischen Leitlinien [Treatment of arterial hypertension - Issues of the new european guidelines]

Item Type:Article
Title:Behandlung der arteriellen Hypertonie - Aspekte der neuen europäischen Leitlinien [Treatment of arterial hypertension - Issues of the new european guidelines]
Creators Name:Derer, W., Dechend, R. and Baberg, H.
Abstract:The 2013 published european guidelines for the treatment of arterial hypertension clearly differ in some points from the previous guidelines. A crucial change is certainly the simplification of blood pressure targets- 140/90 mmHg is valid for almost all patients. The authors emphasize, that arterial hypertension is an important part of the overall cardiovascular risk and in that content it should be treated in an appropriate manner. The part of the patient was focussed more than before, relating to both blood pressure self control and life style changes, which can result in a proper decrease of blood pressure. The new guidelines make life easier for both patients and doctors in terms of feasibility.
Keywords:Arterial Hypertension, Blood Pressure Targets, Antihypertensive Drugs, Combination Therapy, Renal Denervation
Page Range:130-135
Date:March 2014
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0034-1373725

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