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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Immunmodulatorische Therapie mit Interferon β-1b bei klinisch isoliertem Syndrom [Immunomodulatory therapy with interferon β-1b in clinically isolated syndrome

Item Type:Article
Title:Immunmodulatorische Therapie mit Interferon β-1b bei klinisch isoliertem Syndrom [Immunomodulatory therapy with interferon β-1b in clinically isolated syndrome
Creators Name:Paul, F.
Abstract:In late 2009, the today 32-year-old female experienced a feeling of numbness in her left arm and leg and a feeling of heaviness in her left leg. Spontaneous remission of symptoms occurred within 2 weeks. Brain MRI revealed multiple T2 hyperintense lesions in a distribution and morphology typical of MS. Upon an increase in T2 lesion burden on a follow-up MRI the patient started therapy with interferon {beta}-1b. She has been free from relapses over a period of 1.5 years, exhibiting an EDSS of 0. A follow-up MRI 8 months after initiation of immunomodulatory treatment displayed a stable lesion load.
Keywords:Clinically Isolated Syndrome, Immunomodulatory Therapy, Interferon {beta}-1b
Source:Aktuelle Neurologie
Page Range:S16-S18
Date:22 May 2012
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0032-1304870

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