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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Myocardial effective transverse relaxation time T(2)* correlates with left ventricular wall thickness: a 7.0 T MRI study

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Item Type:Article
Title:Myocardial effective transverse relaxation time T(2)* correlates with left ventricular wall thickness: a 7.0 T MRI study
Creators Name:Huelnhagen, T., Hezel, F., Serradas Duarte, T., Pohlmann, A., Oezerdem, C., Flemming, B., Seeliger, E., Prothmann, M., Schulz-Menger, J. and Niendorf, T.
Abstract:PURPOSE: Myocardial effective relaxation time T2* is commonly regarded as a surrogate for myocardial tissue oxygenation. However, it is legitimate to assume that there are multiple factors that influence T2*. To this end, this study investigates the relationship between T2* and cardiac macromorphology given by left ventricular (LV) wall thickness and left ventricular radius, and provides interpretation of the results in the physiological context. METHODS: High spatio-temporally resolved myocardial CINE T2* mapping was performed in 10 healthy volunteers using a 7.0 Tesla (T) full-body MRI system. Ventricular septal wall thickness, left ventricular inner radius, and T2* were analyzed. Macroscopic magnetic field changes were elucidated using cardiac phase-resolved magnetic field maps. RESULTS: Ventricular septal T2* changes periodically over the cardiac cycle, increasing in systole and decreasing in diastole. Ventricular septal wall thickness and T2* showed a significant positive correlation, whereas the inner LV radius and T2* were negatively correlated. The effect of macroscopic magnetic field gradients on T2* can be considered minor in the ventricular septum. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that myocardial T2* is related to tissue blood volume fraction. Temporally resolved T2* mapping could be beneficial for myocardial tissue characterization and for understanding cardiac (patho)physiology in vivo.
Keywords:Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Cardiac Imaging, Ultrahigh Field MR, Myocardial Tissue Characterization, Susceptibility Weighted Imaging, T2*, Myocardial Wall Thickness
Source:Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Page Range:2381-2389
Date:June 2017
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1002/mrm.26312
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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