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Signatures of personality on dense 3D facial images

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Item Type:Article
Title:Signatures of personality on dense 3D facial images
Creators Name:Hu, S., Xiong, J., Fu, P., Qiao, L., Tan, J., Jin, L. and Tang, K.
Abstract:It has long been speculated that cues on the human face exist that allow observers to make reliable judgments of others' personality traits. However, direct evidence of association between facial shapes and personality is missing from the current literature. This study assessed the personality attributes of 834 Han Chinese volunteers (405 males and 429 females), utilising the five-factor personality model ('Big Five'), and collected their neutral 3D facial images. Dense anatomical correspondence was established across the 3D facial images in order to allow high-dimensional quantitative analyses of the facial phenotypes. In this paper, we developed a Partial Least Squares (PLS) -based method. We used composite partial least squares component (CPSLC) to test association between the self-tested personality scores and the dense 3D facial image data, then used principal component analysis (PCA) for further validation. Among the five personality factors, agreeableness and conscientiousness in males and extraversion in females were significantly associated with specific facial patterns. The personality-related facial patterns were extracted and their effects were extrapolated on simulated 3D facial models.
Keywords:China, Cues, Face, Facial Recognition, Imaging, Three-Dimensional, Personality, Principal Component Analysis
Source:Scientific Reports
Publisher:Nature Publishing Group
Page Range:73
Date:March 2017
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-00071-5
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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