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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Using droplet digital PCR to analyze MYCN and ALK copy number in plasma from patients with neuroblastoma

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Item Type:Article
Title:Using droplet digital PCR to analyze MYCN and ALK copy number in plasma from patients with neuroblastoma
Creators Name:Lodrini, M., Sprüssel, A., Astrahantseff, K., Tiburtius, D., Konschak, R., Lode, H.N., Fischer, M., Keilholz, U., Eggert, A. and Deubzer, H.E.
Abstract:The invasive nature of surgical biopsies deters sequential application, and single biopsies often fail to reflect tumor dynamics, intratumor heterogeneity and drug sensitivities likely to change during tumor evolution and treatment. Implementing molecular characterization of cell-free neuroblastoma-derived DNA isolated from blood plasma could improve disease assessment for treatment selection and monitoring of patients with high-risk neuroblastoma. We established droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) protocols for MYCN and ALK copy number status in plasma from neuroblastoma patients. Our ddPCR protocol accurately discriminated between MYCN and ALK amplification, gain and normal diploid status in a large panel of neuroblastoma cell lines, and discrepancies with reported MYCN and ALK status were detected, including a high-level MYCN amplification in NB-1, a MYCN gain in SH-SY5Y, a high-level ALK amplification in IMR-32 and ALK gains in BE(2)-C, Kelly, SH-SY5Y and LAN-6. MYCN and ALK status were also reliably determined from cell-free DNA derived from medium conditioned by the cell lines. MYCN and ALK copy numbers of subcutaneous neuroblastoma xenograft tumors were accurately determined from cell-free DNA in the mouse blood plasma. In a final validation step, we accurately distinguished MYCN and ALK copy numbers of the corresponding primary tumors using retrospectively collected blood plasma samples from 10 neuroblastoma patients. Our data justify the further development of molecular disease characterization using cell-free DNA in blood plasma from patients with neuroblastoma. This expanded molecular diagnostic palette may improve monitoring of disease progression including relapse and metastatic events as well as therapy success or failure in high-risk neuroblastoma patients.
Keywords:Intratumor Heterogeneity, Liquid Biopsy, Non-Invasive Biomarker, Pediatric Cancer, Tumor Dynamics, Animals, Mice
Publisher:Impact Journals
Page Range:85234-85251
Date:17 October 2017
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.18632/oncotarget.19076
External Fulltext:View full text on PubMed Central
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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