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A dual role of Caspase-8 in triggering and sensing proliferation-associated DNA damage, a key determinant of liver cancer development

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Item Type:Article
Title:A dual role of Caspase-8 in triggering and sensing proliferation-associated DNA damage, a key determinant of liver cancer development
Creators Name:Boege, Y., Malehmir, M., Healy, M.E., Bettermann, K., Lorentzen, A., Vucur, M., Ahuja, A.K., Böhm, F., Mertens, J.C., Shimizu, Y., Frick, L., Remouchamps, C., Mutreja, K., Kähne, T., Sundaravinayagam, D., Wolf, M.J., Rehrauer, H., Koppe, C., Speicher, T., Padrissa-Altés, S., Maire, R., Schattenberg, J.M., Jeong, J.S., Liu, Lei, Zwirner, S., Boger, R., Hüser, N., Davis, R.J., Müllhaupt, B., Moch, H., Schulze-Bergkamen, H., Clavien, P.A., Werner, S., Borsig, L., Luther, S.A., Jost, P.J., Weinlich, R., Unger, K., Behrens, A., Hillert, L., Dillon, C., Di Virgilio, M., Wallach, D., Dejardin, E., Zender, L., Naumann, M., Walczak, H., Green, D.R., Lopes, M., Lavrik, I., Luedde, T., Heikenwalder, M. and Weber, A.
Abstract:Concomitant hepatocyte apoptosis and regeneration is a hallmark of chronic liver diseases (CLDs) predisposing to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Here, we mechanistically link caspase-8-dependent apoptosis to HCC development via proliferation- and replication-associated DNA damage. Proliferation-associated replication stress, DNA damage, and genetic instability are detectable in CLDs before any neoplastic changes occur. Accumulated levels of hepatocyte apoptosis determine and predict subsequent hepatocarcinogenesis. Proliferation-associated DNA damage is sensed by a complex comprising caspase-8, FADD, c-FLIP, and a kinase-dependent function of RIPK1. This platform requires a non-apoptotic function of caspase-8, but no caspase-3 or caspase-8 cleavage. It may represent a DNA damage-sensing mechanism in hepatocytes that can act via JNK and subsequent phosphorylation of the histone variant H2AX.
Keywords:Liver, Hepatocellular Carcinoma, DNA Damage Response, Replication Stress, Apoptosis, Animals, Mice
Source:Cancer Cell
Publisher:Cell Press / Elsevier
Page Range:342-359
Date:11 September 2017
Additional Information:Copyright © 2017 The Authors.
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ccell.2017.08.010
External Fulltext:View full text on PubMed Central
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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