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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Optische Kohaerenztomographie bei Neuromyelitis optica-Spektrum-Erkrankungen [Optical coherence tomography in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders]

Item Type:Article
Title:Optische Kohaerenztomographie bei Neuromyelitis optica-Spektrum-Erkrankungen [Optical coherence tomography in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders]
Creators Name:Oertel, F.C., Zimmermann, H., Brandt, A.U. and Paul, F.
Abstract:Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD) are mostly relapsing inflammatory conditions of the central nervous system (CNS). In 55% of the cases of NMOSD optic neuritis (ON) is the most frequent first manifestation and can cause severe damage to the afferent visual system and the retina with resultant severe visual impairment. In recent years, investigations of the retina as part of the CNS by optical coherence tomography (OCT) has been shown to be a valid and efficient method for diagnostics and evaluation of the disease course in NMOSD. In addition, OCT not only shows severe damage of the afferent visual system due to multiple bouts of ON but also reveals NMOSD-specific intraretinal pathologies. The latter could be just as important for future differential diagnostics as for the evaluation of potential therapeutic targets. This article briefly reviews the principles of the OCT technique and describes its relevance for the diagnostics and assessment of disease course in NMOSD.
Keywords:Optic Neuritis, Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer, Imaging, Optic Nerve Inflammation, Intraretinal Pathologies
Page Range:1411-1420
Date:December 2017
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1007/s00115-017-0444-6
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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