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Cell-accurate optical mapping across the entire developing heart

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Item Type:Article
Title:Cell-accurate optical mapping across the entire developing heart
Creators Name:Weber, M., Scherf, N., Meyer, A.M., Panáková, D., Kohl, P. and Huisken, J.
Abstract:Organogenesis depends on orchestrated interactions between individual cells and morphogenetically relevant cues at the tissue level. This is true for the heart, whose function critically relies on well-ordered communication between neighboring cells, which is established and fine-tuned during embryonic development. For an integrated understanding of the development of structure and function, we need to move from isolated snap-shot observations of either microscopic or macroscopic parameters to simultaneous and, ideally continuous, cell-to-organ scale imaging. We introduce cell-accurate three-dimensional Ca(2+)-mapping of all cells in the entire electro-mechanically uncoupled heart during the looping stage of live embryonic zebrafish, using high-speed light sheet microscopy and tailored image processing and analysis. We show how myocardial region-specific heterogeneity in cell function emerges during early development and how structural patterning goes hand-in-hand with functional maturation of the entire heart. Our method opens the way to systematic, scale-bridging, in vivo studies of vertebrate organogenesis by cell-accurate structure-function mapping across entire organs.
Keywords:Cardiac Conduction, Cardiology, Light Sheet Microscopy, Optical Mapping, Organogenesis, Biophysics, Developmental Biology, Image Analysis, Stem Cells, Structural Biology, Animals, Zebrafish
Publisher:eLife Sciences Publications
Page Range:e28307
Date:29 December 2017
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.28307
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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