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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Use of haplotypes and SNPs in lipid-relevant genes for the analysis and diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases [Verwendung von Haplotypen und SNPs in Genen des Fettstoffwechsels fuer die Analyse und Diagnose von kardiovaskulaeren Krankheiten]

Item Type:Patent
Title:Use of haplotypes and SNPs in lipid-relevant genes for the analysis and diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases [Verwendung von Haplotypen und SNPs in Genen des Fettstoffwechsels fuer die Analyse und Diagnose von kardiovaskulaeren Krankheiten]
Creators Name:Nuernberg, P., Reich, J.G., Luft, F.C., Knoblauch, H., Bauerfeind, A., Luganskaja, T. and Rohde, K.
Abstract:The present invention relates to an in vitro method for diagnosing a genetic predisposition or susceptibility for a cardiovascular disease, condition or disorder in a mammal which comprises detecting of at least three particular single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in a sample obtained from said mammal in at least one of a genomic locus-derived nucleic acid or fragment thereof of the loci APOB, APOE, ABCA1, CETP, LCAT, LIPC, LPL, LDLR, APOC2, APOA5, APOA4, APOC3, and APOA1. Furthermore, the present invention relates to the improved diagnosis that is based on the analysis of several haplotypes for the above-mentioned loci (i.e. a combination of said haplotypes).
Date:24 August 2005

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