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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Induction of axonal growth by heterophilic interactions between the cell surface recognition proteins F11 and Nr-CAM/Bravo

Item Type:Article
Title:Induction of axonal growth by heterophilic interactions between the cell surface recognition proteins F11 and Nr-CAM/Bravo
Creators Name:Morales, G., Hubert, M., Bruemmendorf, T., Treubert, U., Tarnok, A., Schwarz, U. and Rathjen, F.G.
Abstract:F11 and Nr-CAM/Bravo are two axon-associated glycoproteins belonging to different subgroups of the immunoglobulin superfamily. In this report we have investigated the interaction of both proteins using neurite outgrowth and binding assays. Antibody blocking experiments demonstrate that neurite extension of tectal cells on immobilized F11 is mediated by Nr-CAM/Bravo. Binding studies further reveal a direct heterophilic interaction between F11 and Nr-CAM/Bravo. This activity can be mapped to the amino-terminal second or third immunoglobulin-like domain within F11 with domain-specific monoclonal antibodies and deletion mutant proteins expressed on COS cells. Furthermore, perturbation experiments with domain-specific monoclonal antibodies demonstrate that this region is required for adhesion and neurite extension.
Keywords:Monoclonal Antibodies, Axons, Neuronal Cell Adhesion Molecules, Cell Line, Cell Membrane, Flow Cytometry, Membrane Glycoproteins, Microspheres, Nerve Growth Factors, Nerve Tissue Proteins, Neural Cell Adhesion Molecules, Neurites, Protein Binding, Recombinant Proteins, Superior Colliculi, Superior Colliculi, Transfection, Animals, Mice
Publisher:Cell Press
Page Range:1113-1122
Date:December 1993
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1016/0896-6273(93)90224-F
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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