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Network Rewiring of Homologous Recombination Enzymes during Mitotic Proliferation and Meiosis.

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Item Type:Article
Title:Network Rewiring of Homologous Recombination Enzymes during Mitotic Proliferation and Meiosis.
Creators Name:Wild, P., Susperregui, A., Piazza, I., Dörig, C., Oke, A., Arter, M., Yamaguchi, M., Hilditch, A.T., Vuina, K., Chan, K.C., Gromova, T., Haber, J.E., Fung, J.C., Picotti, P. and Matos, J.
Abstract:Homologous recombination (HR) is essential for high-fidelity DNA repair during mitotic proliferation and meiosis. Yet, context-specific modifications must tailor the recombination machinery to avoid (mitosis) or enforce (meiosis) the formation of reciprocal exchanges-crossovers-between recombining chromosomes. To obtain molecular insight into how crossover control is achieved, we affinity purified 7 DNA-processing enzymes that channel HR intermediates into crossovers or noncrossovers from vegetative cells or cells undergoing meiosis. Using mass spectrometry, we provide a global characterization of their composition and reveal mitosis- and meiosis-specific modules in the interaction networks. Functional analyses of meiosis-specific interactors of MutLγ-Exo1 identified Rtk1, Caf120, and Chd1 as regulators of crossing-over. Chd1, which transiently associates with Exo1 at the prophase-to-metaphase I transition, enables the formation of MutLγ-dependent crossovers through its conserved ability to bind and displace nucleosomes. Thus, rewiring of the HR network, coupled to chromatin remodeling, promotes context-specific control of the recombination outcome.
Keywords:DNA Repair, Crossing-Over, Mlh1-Mlh3-Exo1, Sgs1(BLM)-Top3-Rmi1, Mus81-Mms4(EME1), Yen1(GEN1), Srs2(RTEL1), Slx1-Slx4(BTDB12), Mph1(FANCM), Holliday Junction
Source:Molecular Cell
Publisher:Cell Press
Page Range:859-874
Date:22 August 2019
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molcel.2019.06.022
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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