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Identification of MYOM2 as a candidate gene in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and tetralogy of fallot and its functional evaluation in the Drosophila heart

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Item Type:Article
Title:Identification of MYOM2 as a candidate gene in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and tetralogy of fallot and its functional evaluation in the Drosophila heart
Creators Name:Auxerre-Plantié, E., Nielsen, T., Grunert, M., Olejniczak, O., Perrot, A., Özcelik, C., Harries, D., Matinmehr, F., Dos Remedios, C., Mühlfeld, C., Kraft, T., Bodmer, R., Vogler, G. and Sperling, S.R.
Abstract:The causal genetic underpinnings of congenital heart diseases, which are often complex and with multigenic background, are still far from understood. Moreover, there are also predominantly monogenic heart defects, such as cardiomyopathies, with known disease genes for the majority of cases. In this study, we identified mutations in myomesin 2 (MYOM2) in patients with Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), the most common cyanotic heart malformation, as well as in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), who do not exhibit any mutations in the known disease genes. MYOM2 is a major component of the myofibrillar M-band of the sarcomere and a hub gene within interactions of sarcomere genes. We show that patient-derived cardiomyocytes exhibit myofibrillar disarray and reduced passive force with increasing sarcomere lengths. Moreover, our comprehensive functional analyses in the Drosophila animal model reveal that the so far uncharacterized fly gene CG14964 may be an ortholog of MYOM2, as well as other myosin binding proteins (henceforth named as Drosophila Myomesin and Myosin Binding protein (dMnM)). Its partial loss-of-function or moderate cardiac knockdown results in cardiac dilation, whereas more severely reduced function causes a constricted phenotype and an increase in sarcomere myosin protein. Moreover, compound heterozygous combinations of CG14964 and the sarcomere gene Mhc (MYH6/7) exhibited synergistic genetic interactions. In summary, our results suggest that MYOM2 not only plays a critical role in maintaining robust heart function but may also be a candidate gene for heart diseases such as HCM and TOF, as it is clearly involved in the development of the heart. SUMMARY STATEMENT: MYOM2 plays a critical role in establishing or maintaining robust heart function and is a candidate gene for heart diseases such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and Tetralogy of Fallot.
Keywords:Congenital Heart Disease, Cardiomyopathy, CG14964, Myomesin, Candidate Gene, Animals, Drosophila melanogaster
Source:Disease Models & Mechanisms
Publisher:Company of Biologists
Page Range:dmm045377
Date:18 December 2020
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1242/dmm.045377
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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