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Use of statins in lower extremity artery disease: a review

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Item Type:Article
Title:Use of statins in lower extremity artery disease: a review
Creators Name:Gargiulo, G., Giugliano, G., Brevetti, L., Sannino, A., Schiattarella, G.G., Serino, F., Carbone, A., Scudiero, F., Ferrone, M., Corrado, R., Izzo, R., Chiariotti, L., Perrino, C., Amato, B., Trimarco, B. and Esposito, G.
Abstract:BACKGROUND: Lower extremity artery disease (LE-PAD) is one of the most common manifestations of atherosclerosis, particularly in elderly patients, and it is related to a high cardiovascular risk. DESCRIPTION: It is well established that statin therapy is characterized by crucial benefits on cardiovascular system by limiting atherosclerotic progression and reducing cardiovascular events and mortality. A growing body of evidence support efficacy of statins in LE-PAD due to the ability of both reducing cardiovascular risk and improving walking distance and, hence, quality of life. Consequently, statin therapy should be considered in all LE-PAD patients and new LDL-cholesterol targets should be reached. CONCLUSIONS: Our opinion is that statin therapy remains still underutilized or with inadequate dosage, so therapy of LE-PAD patients should be improved to obtain all the demonstrated benefits of statins.
Keywords:Simvastatin, Pravastatin, Statin Therapy, Pentoxifylline, Cilostazol
Source:BMC Surgery
Publisher:BioMed Central
Number:Suppl 1
Page Range:S15
Date:15 November 2012
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2482-12-S1-S15
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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