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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Single-cell transcriptomic analysis of antiviral responses and viral antagonism in Chikungunya virus-infected synovial fibroblasts

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Title:Single-cell transcriptomic analysis of antiviral responses and viral antagonism in Chikungunya virus-infected synovial fibroblasts
Creators Name:Pott, F., Postmus, D., Brown, R.J.P., Wyler, E., Neumann, E., Landthaler, M. and Goffinet, C.
Abstract:In recent years, (re-)emerging arboviruses including Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) and Mayaro virus (MAYV) have caused growing concern due to expansion of insect vector ranges. No protective vaccine or specific antiviral strategies are currently available. Long-term morbidity after CHIKV infection includes debilitating chronic joint pain, which has associated health and economic impact. Here, we analyzed the early cell-intrinsic response to CHIKV and MAYV infection in primary human synovial fibroblasts. This interferon-competent cell type represents a potential source of polyarthralgia induced by CHIKV infection. Synovial fibroblasts from healthy and osteoarthritic donors were similarly permissive to CHIKV and MAYV infection ex vivo. Using RNA-seq, we defined a CHIKV infection-induced transcriptional profile with several hundred interferon-stimulated and arthralgia-mediating genes upregulated. Type I interferon was both secreted by infected fibroblasts and protective when administered exogenously. IL-6 secretion, which mediates chronic synovitis, however, was not boosted by infection. Single-cell RNA-seq and flow cytometric analyses uncovered an inverse correlation of activation of innate immunity and productive infection at the level of individual cells. In summary, primary human synovial fibroblasts serve as bona-fide ex vivo primary cell model of CHIKV infection and provide a valuable platform for studies of joint tissue-associated aspects of CHIKV immunopathogenesis.
Keywords:Chikungunya, Fibroblasts, Innate Immunity, Single-Cell RNA-seq, Transcriptomics
Publisher:Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
Article Number:2020.06.07.138610
Date:11 June 2021
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.06.07.138610

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