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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Dual-color fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy to study protein-protein interaction and protein dynamics in live cells

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Item Type:Article
Title:Dual-color fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy to study protein-protein interaction and protein dynamics in live cells
Creators Name:Hemmen, K., Choudhury, S., Friedrich, M., Balkenhol, J., Knote, F., Lohse, M.J. and Heinze, K.G.
Abstract:We present a protocol and workflow to perform live cell dual-color fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS) combined with Förster Resonance Energy transfer (FRET) to study membrane receptor dynamics in live cells using modern fluorescence labeling techniques. In dual-color FCCS, where the fluctuations in fluorescence intensity represent the dynamic "fingerprint" of the respective fluorescent biomolecule, we can probe co-diffusion or binding of the receptors. FRET, with its high sensitivity to molecular distances, serves as a well-known "nanoruler" to monitor intramolecular changes. Taken together, conformational changes and key parameters such as local receptor concentrations and mobility constants become accessible in cellular settings. Quantitative fluorescence approaches are challenging in cells due to high noise levels and the vulnerability of the sample. Here we show how to perform this experiment, including the calibration steps using dual-color labeled β2-adrenergic receptor (β2AR) labeled with eGFP and SNAP-tag-TAMRA. A step-by-step data analysis procedure is provided using open-source software and templates that are easy to customize. Our guideline enables researchers to unravel molecular interactions of biomolecules in live cells in situ with high reliability despite the limited signal-to-noise levels in live cell experiments. The operational window of FRET and particularly FCCS at low concentrations allows quantitative analysis at near-physiological conditions.
Keywords:Diffusion, Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer, Reproducibility of Results, Fluorescence Spectrometry / Methods
Source:Journal of Visualized Experiments
Page Range:e62954
Date:11 December 2021
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.3791/62954
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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