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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Motion-compensated fat-water imaging for 3D cardiac MRI at ultra-high fields

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Item Type:Article
Title:Motion-compensated fat-water imaging for 3D cardiac MRI at ultra-high fields
Creators Name:Dietrich, S., Aigner, C.S., Mayer, J., Kolbitsch, C., Schulz-Menger, J., Schaeffter, T. and Schmitter, S.
Abstract:PURPOSE: Respiratory motion-compensated (MC) 3D cardiac fat-water imaging at 7T. METHODS: Free-breathing bipolar 3D triple-echo gradient-recalled-echo (GRE) data with radial phase-encoding (RPE) trajectory were acquired in 11 healthy volunteers (7M\4F, 21-35 years, mean: 30 years) with a wide range of body mass index (BMI; 19.9-34.0 kg/m2 ) and volunteer tailored B(1)(+) shimming. The bipolar-corrected triple-echo GRE-RPE data were binned into different respiratory phases (self-navigation) and were used for the estimation of non-rigid motion vector fields (MF) and respiratory resolved (RR) maps of the main magnetic field deviations (ΔB0 ). RR ΔB0 maps and MC ΔB0 maps were compared to a reference respiratory phase to assess respiration-induced changes. Subsequently, cardiac binned fat-water images were obtained using a model-based, respiratory motion-corrected image reconstruction. RESULTS: The 3D cardiac fat-water imaging at 7T was successfully demonstrated. Local respiration-induced frequency shifts in MC ΔB(0) maps are small compared to the chemical shifts used in the multi-peak model. Compared to the reference exhale ΔB0 map these changes are in the order of 10 Hz on average. Cardiac binned MC fat-water reconstruction reduced respiration induced blurring in the fat-water images, and flow artifacts are reduced in the end-diastolic fat-water separated images. CONCLUSION: This work demonstrates the feasibility of 3D fat-water imaging at UHF for the entire human heart despite spatial and temporal B(1)(+) and B0 variations, as well as respiratory and cardiac motion.
Keywords:7 Tesla, B(0), Body Imaging, Dixon, Fat-Water Imaging, Parallel Transmission, Respiration
Source:Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Page Range:2621-2636
Date:June 2022
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1002/mrm.29144
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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