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Conditioning with fludarabine and treosulfan compared to FLAMSA-RIC in allogeneic stem cell transplantation for myeloid malignancies: a retrospective single-center analysis

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Item Type:Article
Title:Conditioning with fludarabine and treosulfan compared to FLAMSA-RIC in allogeneic stem cell transplantation for myeloid malignancies: a retrospective single-center analysis
Creators Name:Braitsch, K., Schwarz, A., Koch, K., Hubbuch, M., Menzel, H., Keller, U., Götze, K.S., Bassermann, F., Herhaus, P. and Verbeek, M.
Abstract:Reduced intensity conditioning (RIC) and reduced toxicity conditioning (RTC) regimens enable allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (alloSCT) to more patients due to reduction in transplant-related mortality (TRM). The conditioning regimens with fludarabine and treosulfan (Flu/Treo) or fludarabine, amsacrine, cytarabine (FLAMSA)-RIC have shown their efficacy and tolerability in various malignancies. So far, no prospective study comparing the two regimens is available. Two studies compared the regimens retrospectively, in which both provided similar outcome. In this retrospective, single-center analysis, these two regimens were compared with regard to outcome, rate of acute and chronic graft versus host disease (GvHD), and engraftment. 113 consecutive patients with myeloid malignancies who received Flu/Treo or FLAMSA-RIC conditioning prior to alloSCT between 2007 and 2019 were included. Except for age, previous therapies, and remission status before alloSCT, patient characteristics were well balanced. The median follow-up time within this analysis was 44 months. There was no significant difference in absolute neutrophil count (ANC) or platelet engraftment between the two conditioning regimens. Overall survival (OS), the relapse-free survival (RFS), and the TRM were not significantly different between the two cohorts. The rate of GvHD did not differ between the two groups. In summary, this retrospective analysis shows that there is no major difference regarding tolerability and survival between the Flu/Treo and FLAMSA-RIC regimens. Despite several limitations due to uneven distribution concerning age and remission status, we demonstrate that Flu/Treo and FLAMSA-RIC provide similar outcomes and are feasible in older and intensively pre-treated patients.
Keywords:Fludarabine/Treosulfan, FLAMSA-RIC, Allogeneic Transplantation, Conditioning Regimen
Source:Annals of Hematology
Page Range:1311-1319
Date:June 2022
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1007/s00277-022-04822-x
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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