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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


[Patterns of the histone modifications across the chicken alpha-globin genes domain]

Item Type:Article
Title:[Patterns of the histone modifications across the chicken alpha-globin genes domain]
Creators Name:Iudinkova, E.S., Bunina, D.A., Ul'ianov, S.V., Gavrilov, A.A. and Razin, S.V.
Abstract:Using native chromatin immunoprecipitation (N-ChIP) followed by TaqMan RT-PCR quantitative analysis we have determined the profiles of histone acetylation and histone methylation within the alpha-globin gene domain before and after switching of embryonic globin genes expression. The results obtained do not support a supposition that the inactivation of the embryonic alpha-type globin gene pi in erythroid cells of the adult lineage is mediated via formation of an inactive chromatin domain. On the other hand we have demonstrated that suppression of the gene pi activity in erythroid cells of adult lineage correlates with the decrease of the histone acetylation level within the embryonic subdomain of the alpha-globin gene domain.
Keywords:Acetylation, alpha-Globins, Chromatin, Chromatin Immunoprecipitation, Developmental Gene Expression Regulation, Histones, Methylation, Animals, Chickens
Source:Molekulyarnaya Biologiya
Publisher:Russian Academy of Sciences
Page Range:662-667
Date:July 2011
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