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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Aenderung des Beladungszustandes von MHC-Molekuelen [Change of the load state of MHC molecules]

Item Type:Patent
Title:Aenderung des Beladungszustandes von MHC-Molekuelen [Change of the load state of MHC molecules]
Creators Name:Falk, K. and Roetzschke, O.
Abstract:The invention relates to a method for changing the load state of MHC molecules with ligands, whereby the change of the load state is catalyzed by a compound of the formulae (I), (IA), (II), (III) or (IV1) to (IV3). The invention also relates to the use of the compounds of formulae (I), (IA), (II), (III) or (IV1) to (IV3) or to the use of MHC molecules that are loaded with ligands, which are obtained by the inventive method, for treating diseases or conditions that are linked with various pathologically exuberant or absent immune responses, and for triggering tumor-specific, pathogen-specific or autoreactive immune responses. The invention also relates to the use of these compounds in the treatment and diagnosis of cancer, infectious diseases, autoimmune diseases and for attenuating aggressive immune reactions, and to the production of a vaccine or a pharmaceutical composition for treating the aforementioned diseases or conditions.
Date:6 April 2006

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