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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


The lncRNA landscape of cardiac resident macrophages and identification of Schlafenlnc as a regulator of macrophage migratory function

Item Type:Preprint
Title:The lncRNA landscape of cardiac resident macrophages and identification of Schlafenlnc as a regulator of macrophage migratory function
Creators Name:Dueck, A., Althaus, L., Heise, K., Esfandyari, D., Bayguen, S., Brandes, R.P., Gagneur, J., Jae, N., Knolle, P., Leisegang, M.S., Maegdefessel, L., Meitinger, T., Petzold, N., Ramanujam, D., Sager, H., Schulz, C., Theodorakis, E., Uzonyi, A., Weinberger, T., Bader, M., Schmidt-Supprian, M. and Engelhardt, S.
Abstract:Cardiac resident macrophages (crMPs) were recently shown to exert pivotal functions in cardiac homeostasis and disease, but the underlying molecular mechanisms are largely unclear. Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are increasingly recognized as important regulatory molecules in a number of cell types, but neither the identity nor the molecular mechanisms of lncRNAs in crMPs are known. Here, we have employed deep RNA-seq and single cell RNA sequencing to resolve the crMP lncRNA landscape from healthy and diseased murine myocardium. CrMPs express previously unknown and highly cell type-specific lncRNAs, among which one lncRNA, termed Schlafenlnc, was particularly abundant and enriched in crMPs. We found Schlafenlnc to be necessary for migration-associated gene expression in macrophages in vitro and in vivo and essential for their adhesion and migration. Collectively, our data provide a basis to the systematic characterization of lncRNAs in crMPs and establish Schlafenlnc as a critical regulator of macrophage migratory functions.
Keywords:Long Non-coding RNA, Cardiac Resident Macrophages, Pressure Overload, SchlafenInc, Single Cell Sequencing, Animals, Mice
Publisher:Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
Article Number:2022.11.30.518576
Date:22 December 2022
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.11.30.518576

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