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GRaNIE and GRaNPA: inference and evaluation of enhancer-mediated gene regulatory networks

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Item Type:Article
Title:GRaNIE and GRaNPA: inference and evaluation of enhancer-mediated gene regulatory networks
Creators Name:Kamal, A., Arnold, C., Claringbould, A., Moussa, R., Servaas, N.H., Kholmatov, M., Daga, N., Nogina, D., Mueller-Dott, S., Reyes-Palomares, A., Palla, G., Sigalova, O., Bunina, D., Pabst, C. and Zaugg, J.B.
Abstract:Enhancers play a vital role in gene regulation and are critical in mediating the impact of noncoding genetic variants associated with complex traits. Enhancer activity is a cell-type-specific process regulated by transcription factors (TFs), epigenetic mechanisms and genetic variants. Despite the strong mechanistic link between TFs and enhancers, we currently lack a framework for jointly analysing them in cell-type-specific gene regulatory networks (GRN). Equally important, we lack an unbiased way of assessing the biological significance of inferred GRNs since no complete ground truth exists. To address these gaps, we present GRaNIE (Gene Regulatory Network Inference including Enhancers) and GRaNPA (Gene Regulatory Network Performance Analysis). GRaNIE (https://git.embl.de/grp-zaugg/GR aNIE) builds enhancer-mediated GRNs based on covariation of chromatin accessibility and RNA-seq across samples (e.g. individuals), while GRaNPA (https://git.embl.de/grp-zaugg/GRaNPA) assesses the performance of GRNs for predicting cell-type-specific differential expression. We demonstrate their power by investigating gene regulatory mechanisms underlying the response of macrophages to infection, cancer and common genetic traits including autoimmune diseases. Finally, our methods identify the TF PURA as a putative regulator of pro-inflammatory macrophage polarisation.
Keywords:Enhancers, Gene Regulatory Networks, Macrophage Biology, Multiomics Data Integration, Transcriptional Regulation
Source:Molecular Systems Biology
Publisher:Nature Publishing Group
Page Range:e11627
Date:12 June 2023
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.15252/msb.202311627
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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