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Beyond Ca(2+) signalling: the role of TRPV3 in the transport of NH(4)

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Item Type:Article
Title:Beyond Ca(2+) signalling: the role of TRPV3 in the transport of NH(4)
Creators Name:Liebe, H., Liebe, F., Sponder, G., Hedtrich, S. and Stumpff, F.
Abstract:Mutations of TRPV3 lead to severe dermal hyperkeratosis in Olmsted syndrome, but whether the mutants are trafficked to the cell membrane or not is controversial. Even less is known about TRPV3 function in intestinal epithelia, although research on ruminants and pigs suggests an involvement in the uptake of NH(4)(+). It was the purpose of this study to measure the permeability of the human homologue (hTRPV3) to NH(4)(+), to localize hTRPV3 in human skin equivalents, and to investigate trafficking of the Olmsted mutant G573S. Immunoblotting and immunostaining verified the successful expression of hTRPV3 in HEK-293 cells and Xenopus oocytes with trafficking to the cell membrane. Human skin equivalents showed distinct staining of the apical membrane of the top layer of keratinocytes with cytosolic staining in the middle layers. Experiments with pH-sensitive microelectrodes on Xenopus oocytes demonstrated that acidification by NH(4)(+) was significantly greater when hTRPV3 was expressed. Single-channel measurements showed larger conductances in overexpressing Xenopus oocytes than in controls. In whole-cell experiments on HEK-293 cells, both enantiomers of menthol stimulated influx of NH(4)(+) in hTRPV3 expressing cells, but not in controls. Expression of the mutant G573S greatly reduced cell viability with partial rescue via ruthenium red. Immunofluorescence confirmed cytosolic expression, with membrane staining observed in a very small number of cells. We suggest that expression of TRPV3 by epithelia may have implications not just for Ca(2+) signalling, but also for nitrogen metabolism. Models suggesting how influx of NH(4)(+) via TRPV3 might stimulate skin cornification or intestinal NH(4)(+) transport are discussed.
Keywords:TRPV3, Ammonia, NH(4)(+), Olmsted Syndrome, Colon, Skin, Animals, Xenopus laevis
Source:Pflugers Archiv
Page Range:1859-1884
Date:December 2021
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1007/s00424-021-02616-0
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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