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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Three-dimensional histological characterization of the placental vasculature using light sheet microscopy

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Item Type:Article
Title:Three-dimensional histological characterization of the placental vasculature using light sheet microscopy
Creators Name:Freise, L., Behncke, R.Y., Allerkamp, H.H., Sandermann, T.H., Chu, N.H., Funk, E.M., Hondrich, L.J., Riedel, A., Witzel, C., Hansmeier, N.R., Danyel, M., Gellhaus, A., Dechend, R. and Hägerling, R.
Abstract:The placenta is the first embryonic organ, representing the connection between the embryo and the mother, and is therefore necessary for the embryo’s growth and survival. To meet the ever-growing need for nutrient and gas exchange, the maternal spiral arteries undergo extensive remodeling, thus increasing the uteroplacental blood flow by 16-fold. However, the insufficient remodeling of the spiral arteries can lead to severe pregnancy-associated disorders, including but not limited to pre-eclampsia. Insufficient endovascular trophoblast invasion plays a key role in the manifestation of pre-eclampsia; however, the underlying processes are complex and still unknown. Classical histopathology is based on two-dimensional section microscopy, which lacks a volumetric representation of the vascular remodeling process. To further characterize the uteroplacental vascularization, a detailed, non-destructive, and subcellular visualization is beneficial. In this study, we use light sheet microscopy for optical sectioning, thus establishing a method to obtain a three-dimensional visualization of the vascular system in the placenta. By introducing a volumetric visualization method of the placenta, we could establish a powerful tool to deeply investigate the heterogeneity of the spiral arteries during the remodeling process, evaluate the state-of-the-art treatment options, effects on vascularization, and, ultimately, reveal new insights into the underlying pathology of pre-eclampsia.
Keywords:Light Sheet Microscopy, Placenta, Histopathology, Lymphatic Mimicry, Pre-Eclampsia
Page Range:1009
Date:17 June 2023
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.3390/biom13061009
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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