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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


RIF1 acts as a gatekeeper of B cell identity during late differentiation

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Item Type:Preprint
Title:RIF1 acts as a gatekeeper of B cell identity during late differentiation
Creators Name:Rahjouei, A., Kabrani, E., Berruezo-Llacuna, M., Altwasser, R., Delgado-Benito, V., Pavri, R. and Di Virgilio, M.
Abstract:RIF1 is a multifunctional protein that promotes immunoglobulin (Ig) isotype diversification. Whether RIF1 plays additional roles in adaptive immunity is unknown. In this study, we showed that Rif1 expression is upregulated following mature B cell activation, while its deficiency skewed the transcriptional profile of activated B cells towards plasmablasts (PBs) and plasma cells (PCs). Additionally, RIF1 ablation resulted in increased PB formation ex vivo and enhanced terminal differentiation into PCs upon immunization. Therefore, RIF1 serves as a cell identity gatekeeper during late B cell differentiation, providing an additional layer of control in the establishment of humoral immunity.
Keywords:Mature B Cells, Differentiation, Plasma Cells, RIF1, Transcription, BLIMP1, Animals, Mice
Publisher:Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
Article Number:2023.07.18.549543v2
Date:20 July 2023
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.07.18.549543

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