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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


New MERS-CoV Vaccine

Item Type:Patent
Title:New MERS-CoV Vaccine
Creators Name:de la Rosa, K., Vásquez García, C., Silvis, C. and Olsson, S.
Abstract:The present invention relates to a mutant receptor-binding domain (MERS-mRBD) of MERS-CoV (middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus) or a fragment thereof and a mutant spike protein (MERS-mSpike) of MERS-CoV or a fragment thereof. Furthermore, the present invention relates to a mutant spike protein (MERS-mSpike) of MERS-CoV or a fragment thereof comprising the MERS-mRBD or the fragment thereof. Furthermore, the present invention relates to a polypeptide or protein comprising the MERS-mRBD or the fragment thereof or MERS-mSpike or the fragment thereof and a nucleic acid comprising a nucleotide sequence encoding for the MERS-mRBD or the fragment thereof or the MERS-mSpike or the fragment thereof. Furthermore, the present invention relates to a vaccine composition comprising one or more MERS-mRBDs or fragments thereof, one or more MERS -mSpikes, one or more polypeptides or proteins and/or one or more nucleic acids according to the present invention. Furthermore, the present invention relates to the one or more MERS-mRBDs or fragments thereof, the one or more MERS-mSpikes, the one or more polypeptides or proteins, the one or more nucleic acids and/or the vaccine composition according to the present invention for use in the prevention and/or treatment of diseases caused by MERS-CoV in a subject.
Number of Pages:67
Date:27 September 2023

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