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"Pseudo"-secondary treatment failure explained via disease progression and effective botulinum toxin therapy: a pilot simulation study

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Item Type:Article
Title:"Pseudo"-secondary treatment failure explained via disease progression and effective botulinum toxin therapy: a pilot simulation study
Creators Name:Hefter, H., Rosenthal, D. and Samadzadeh, S.
Abstract:BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to provide evidence from a simple simulation. In patients with focal dystonia, an initial good response to botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) injections followed by a secondary worsening does not necessarily arise from an antibody-induced secondary treatment failure (NAB-STF), but may stem from a "pseudo"-secondary treatment failure (PSEUDO-STF). METHODS: The simulation of the outcome after BoNT long-term treatment was performed in four steps: 1. The effect of the first single BoNT injection (SI curve) was displayed as a 12-point graph, corresponding to the mean improvement from weeks 1 to 12. 2. The remaining severity of the dystonia during the nth injection cycle was calculated by subtracting the SI curve (weighted by the outcome after n - 1 cycles) from the outcome after week 12 of the (n - 1)th cycle. 3. A graph was chosen (the PRO curve), which represents the progression of the severity of the underlying disease during BoNT therapy. 4. The interaction between the outcome during the nth BoNT cycle and the PRO curve was determined. RESULTS: When the long-term outcome after n cycles of BoNT injections (applied every 3 months) was simulated as an interactive process, subtracting the effect of the first cycle (weighted by the outcome after n - 1 cycles) and adding the progression of the disease, an initial good improvement followed by secondary worsening results. This long-term outcome depends on the steepness of the progression and the duration of action of the first injection cycle. We termed this response behavior a "pseudo"-secondary treatment failure, as it can be compensated via a dose increase. CONCLUSION: A secondary worsening following an initial good response in BoNT therapy of focal dystonia might not necessarily indicate neutralizing antibody induction but could stem from a "PSEUDO"-STF (a combination of good response behavior and progression of the underlying disease). Thus, an adequate dose adaptation must be conducted before diagnosing a secondary treatment failure in the strict sense.
Keywords:Simulation, Duration of Botulinum Toxin Action, Secondary Treatment Failure, Neutralizing Antibodies, Focal Dystonia, Long-Term Outcome of Botulinum Neurotoxin Therapy
Page Range:618
Date:18 October 2023
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.3390/toxins15100618
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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