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Kinin B1 receptor controls maternal adiponectin levels and influences offspring weight gain

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Item Type:Article
Title:Kinin B1 receptor controls maternal adiponectin levels and influences offspring weight gain
Creators Name:Alves-Silva, T., Húngaro, T.G.R., Freitas-Lima, L.C., de Melo Arthur, G., Arruda, A.C., Santos, R.B., Oyama, L.M., Mori, M.A.S., Bader, M. and Araujo, R.C.
Abstract:Given the importance of the kinin B1 receptor in insulin and leptin hormonal regulation, which in turn is crucial in maternal adaptations to ensure nutrient supply to the fetus, we investigated the role of this receptor in maternal metabolism and fetoplacental development. Wild-type and kinin B1 receptor-deficient (B1KO) female mice were mated with male mice of the opposite genotype. Consequently, the entire litter was heterozygous for kinin B1 receptor, ensuring that there would be no influence of offspring genotype on the maternal phenotype. Maternal kinin B1 receptor blockade reduces adiponectin secretion by adipose tissue ex vivo, consistent with lower adiponectin levels in pregnant B1KO mice. Furthermore, fasting insulinemia also increased, which was associated with placental insulin resistance, reduced placental glycogen accumulation, and heavier offspring. Therefore, we propose the combination of chronic hyperinsulinemia and reduced adiponectin secretion in B1KO female mice create a maternal obesogenic environment that results in heavier pups.
Keywords:Pregnancy, Physiology, Molecular Biology, Animals, Mice
Publisher:Cell Press
Page Range:108409
Date:15 December 2023
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2023.108409
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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