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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Image processing and analysis of light sheet microscopy data

Item Type:Book Section
Title:Image processing and analysis of light sheet microscopy data
Creators Name:Jain, A., Ulman, V., Krumnikl, M., Pietzsch, T., Preibisch, S. and Tomančák, P.
Abstract:Image processing of light sheet data involves several specific challenges that are not encountered in other imaging modalities. The ability to image the same specimen from multiple angles necessitates image registration and fusion before the data can be used for subsequent analysis. The solution to this preprocessing task is complicated by the large volume of the image data acquired with any light sheet microscope. The scale of the data also affects the downstream analysis of objects of biological interest in the imagery. While the tasks are similar to other imaging modalities –segmentation, tracking, and atlas registration – the volume of the data requires the development of dedicated solutions on both the software and hardware sides. This chapter provides an overview of the available solutions to tackle the preprocessing and analysis of light sheet data at scale using primarily open-source image analysis platforms.
Keywords:Light Sheet Image Processing, Multi-View Reconstruction, Multi-View Fusion, Big Image Data Analysis, Data Visualization, Segmentation, Tracking, Registration
Title of Book:Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy
Publisher:Wiley‐VCH GmbH
Page Range:203-229
Number of Pages:300
Date:18 March 2024
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1002/9783527803910.ch7

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