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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


High-dose versus intermediate dose cytosine arabinoside combined with mitoxantrone for the treatment of relapsed and refractory acute myeloid leukemia: results of an age adjusted randomized comparison

Item Type:Article
Title:High-dose versus intermediate dose cytosine arabinoside combined with mitoxantrone for the treatment of relapsed and refractory acute myeloid leukemia: results of an age adjusted randomized comparison
Creators Name:Hiddemann, W., Aul, C., Maschmeyer, G., Schoenrock-Nabulsi, R., Ludwig, W.D., Bartholomaeus, A., Bettelheim, P., Becker, K., Balleisen, L., Lathan, B., Koeppler, H., Grueneisen, T., Donhuijsen-Ant, R., Reichle, A., Heinecke, A., Sauerland, C. and Buechner, T.
Source:Leukemia & Lymphoma
Volume:10 Suppl.
Page Range:133-137
Date:1 January 1993
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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