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Identification and mutation analysis of the complete gene for the Chediak-Higashi syndrome

Item Type:Article
Title:Identification and mutation analysis of the complete gene for the Chediak-Higashi syndrome
Creators Name:Nagle, D.L., Karim, M., Woolf, E.A., Holmgren, L., Bork, P., Misumi, D., McGrail, D., Dussault, J.R., Duyk, G., Spritz, R.A. and Moore, K.J.
Keywords:Alternative Splicing, Amino Acid Sequence, Amino Acid Sequence Homology, Chediak-Higashi Syndrome, DNA Mutational Analysis, Endosomal Sorting Complexes Required for Transport, Homozygote, Molecular Cloning, Molecular Models, Molecular Sequence Data, Open Reading Frames, Protein Conformation, Protein-Serine-Threonine Kinases, Proteins, Vacuolar Sorting Protein VPS15, Vesicular Transport Proteins, Animals, Mice
Source:Nature Genetics
Publisher:Nature Publishing Group
Page Range:307-312
Date:1 January 1996
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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