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Frequency-domain techniques enhance optical mammography. Initial clinical results

Item Type:Article
Title:Frequency-domain techniques enhance optical mammography. Initial clinical results
Creators Name:Franceschini, M.A., Moesta, K.T., Fantini, S., Gaida, G., Gratton, E., Jess, H., Mantulin, W.W., Seeber, M., Schlag, P.M. and Kaschke, M.
Abstract:We present a novel approach to optical mammography and initial clinical results. We have designed and developed a frequency-domain (110-MHz) optical scanner that performs a transillumination raster scan of the female breast in approximately 3 min. The probing light is a dual-wavelength (690 and 810 nm, 10-mW average power), 2-mm-diameter laser beam, and the detection optical fiber is 5 mm in diameter. The ac amplitude and phase data are processed with use of an algorithm that performs edge effect corrections, thereby enhancing image contrast. This contrast enhancement results in a greater tumor detectability compared with simple light intensity images. The optical mammograms are displayed on a computer screen in real time. We present x-ray and optical mammograms from two patients with breast tumors. Our initial clinical results show that the frequency-domain scanner, even at the present stage of development, has the potential to be a useful tool in mammography.
Keywords:Algorithms, Breast Neoplasms, Equipment Design, Computer-Assisted Image Processing, Lasers, Mammography, X-Rays
Source:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Publisher:National Academy of Sciences
Page Range:6468-6473
Date:10 June 1997
Official Publication:http://www.pnas.org/content/94/12/6468.abstract
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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