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Bcr/abl+ autologous dendritic cells for vaccination in chronic myeloid leukemia

Item Type:Article
Title:Bcr/abl+ autologous dendritic cells for vaccination in chronic myeloid leukemia
Creators Name:Westermann, J., Kopp, J., Koerner, I., Richter, G., Qin, Z., Blankenstein, T., Doerken, B. and Pezzutto, A.
Abstract:In chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) ex vivo generated DC are characterized by constitutive expression of bcr/abl and possibly other yet undefined leukemia-associated antigens, since these DC share a common progeny with leukemic cells. Induction of anti-leukemic T cell responses has been described in vitro. For a phase I vaccination study, autologous bcr/abl+ DC are generated under GMP conditions mainly from monocyte precursors in chronic phase CML patients. Lin-, CD80+, CD86+, CD83+, DR+ DC could be generated in sufficient numbers for s.c. vaccination with 1 × 106-5 × 107 DC. Using monocyte precursors, the yield of DC per seeded PBMC was in the range of 1-6%. Furthermore, we could demonstrate in vitro that the T cell stimulatory ability of CD34+-derived DC can be augmented by a factor 2-3 by retroviral transduction with a gene coding for interleukin-7. DC-based vaccination strategies are a promising clinical approach, particularly as postremission immunotherapy in the setting of autologous stem cell transplantation.
Keywords:CML, Dendritic Cells, Interleukin-7, Vaccination
Source:Bone Marrow Transplantation
Publisher:Nature Publishing Group
Volume:25 Suppl. 2
Page Range:S46-S49
Date:1 May 2000
Official Publication:http://www.nature.com/bmt/journal/v25/n2s/abs/1702354a.html
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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