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Post-translational GPI lipid anchor modification of proteins in kingdoms of life: analysis of protein sequence data from complete genomes

Item Type:Article
Title:Post-translational GPI lipid anchor modification of proteins in kingdoms of life: analysis of protein sequence data from complete genomes
Creators Name:Eisenhaber, B., Bork, P. and Eisenhaber, F.
Abstract:To investigate the occurrence of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) lipid anchor modification in various taxonomic ranges, potential substrate proteins have been searched for in completely sequenced genomes. We applied the big-π predictor for the recognition of propeptide cleavage and anchor attachment sites with a new, generalized analytical form of the extreme-value distribution for evaluating false-positive prediction rates. (i) We find that GPI modification is present among lower and higher Eukaryota (̃0.5% of all proteins) but it seems absent in all eubacterial and three archaeobacterial species studied. Four other archaean genomes appear to encode such a fraction of substrate proteins (in the range of eukaryots) that they cannot be explained as false-positive predictions. This result supports the possible existence of GPI anchor modification in an archaean subgroup. (ii) The frequency of GPI-modified proteins on various chromosomes of a given eukaryotic species is different. (iii) Lists of potentially GPI-modified proteins in complete genomes with their predicted cleavage sites are available at http://mendel.imp.univie.ac.at/gpi/gpi_genomes.html. (iv) Orthologues of known transamidase subunits have been found only for Eukarya. Inconsistencies in domain structure among homologues some of which may indicate sequencing errors are described. We present a refined model of the transamidase complex.
Keywords:Genome Annotation, GPI Lipid Anchor Attachment, GPI Modification Prediction, Post-translational Modification, Transamidase Complex
Source:Protein Engineering
Publisher:Oxford University Press
Page Range:17-25
Date:1 January 2001
Official Publication:http://peds.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/14/1/17
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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