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Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Immunoreactivity of monoclonal antibody BW835 represents a marker of progression and prognosis in early gastric cancer

Item Type:Article
Title:Immunoreactivity of monoclonal antibody BW835 represents a marker of progression and prognosis in early gastric cancer
Creators Name:Baldus, S.E., Zirbes, T., Glossmann, J., Fromm, S., Hanisch, F.G., Moenig, S.P., Schroeder, W., Schneider, P.M., Flucke, U., Karsten, U., Thiele, J., Hoelscher, A.H. and Dienes, H.P.
Abstract:The Thomsen-Friedenreich (TF) antigen is a well-known human pan-carcinoma antigen. It represents a carbohydrate core disaccharide (Gal{beta}1-3GalNAc) which is predominantly bound to mucin peptide cores. Its immunoreactivity depends on changes in glycosylation which lead to a reduction in the carbohydrate chain length and the exposure of core carbohydrates. In the present study, we investigated 208 gastric adenocarcinomas with respect to their immunohistochemical reactivity applying two monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). MAb specifically detecting TF antigen (A78-G/A7) and MAb BW835 were included. The latter reacts with a certain glycoform of the MUC1 peptide core, characterized by core-type glycans like TF. A78-G/A7 epitopes were detected in 68.8% and BW835 epitopes in 57.7% of the carcinomas. BW835 immunoreactivity correlated with the presence of lymph node metastases. Both A78-G/A7 and BW835 staining were significantly stronger in tubular/papillary cancer (WHO classification) and intestinal-type cancer according to Lauren. In univariate survival analyses of all patients studied, BW835 immunoreactivity was a marker of an unfavorable prognosis (p > 0.05). The presence of A78-G/A7 and BW835 epitopes exerted a negative effect on the subgroup of pTNM stage I carcinomas. These results indicate that TF and MUC1-TF immunoreactivity defines a 'high-risk' subgroup of stage I patients in gastric cancer.
Keywords:Gastric Cancer, Immunohistochemistry, Monoclonal Antibodies, MUC1, Prognosis, TF Antigen
Publisher:CMP Healthcare Media
Page Range:147-155
Date:1 January 2001
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1159/000055366
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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